Name: Steve Higgins (Fire Chief)
Age: 37
Family: Wife - Sharon
Children: Kearsten & Tom
About Steve:
Steve was born and raised in Clinton and attended Clinton Public School. Steve is a 1990 graduate of North Hunterdon where he played baseball. After High School Steve worked several jobs until he began working for Maintenance Solutions 14 years ago. Steve does many jobs for Maintenance Solutions but specializes in drywall and painting.
Steve's Fire Service Career:
Steve is a third generation Clinton Firefighter. His Father and Grandfather served CFD for many years. Steve spent many days helping out at pancake breakfasts and other fund raising events way before he was old enough to be a member. In 1991 Steve officially joined the CFD family. Steve has been a Lieutenant, Captain, and Deputy Chief until being elected Chief of Department on April 5, 2010. Steve's son Tom recently became a 4th generation member of the department when he joined as a Junior Firefighter.