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CFD Activity 10/28 - 11/2

On Halloween we held our open annual open house. The event was organized by Firefighter Robert Perkins. Candy cookies and juice were provided for trick or treater's who stopped by the station. Glow necklaces were given out and there was a moon bounce for the younger kids as well. A special thanks to ShopRite of Clinton for donating the snacks and candy! On Monday evening CFD conducted the November department meeting. Steve Seguine and Rich Duffy were admitted to the department as Active Firefighters. Firefighter Seguine is the latest Junior Firefighter to advance to active membership. We welcome them both to the department. CFD responded to 5 calls during this period and a summary follows.

10/29/09 @ 10:42 am - Fire Box 4504 Level 1 - West Main Street and Hancock Street for the reported vehicle fire. Chief 45 arrived at 10:44 am and determined the car was overheated and not on fire. All other units were cancelled without responding. Chief 45 cleared the scene at 10:47 am.

10/30/09 @ 11:09 am - Fire Box 9106 Level 1 - Shop Rite in Franklin Township for the fire alarm. Tower 45 and Engine 451 are assigned to the box to assist Quakertown Fire Company(91) on this box. Deputy 91 and Engine 912 arrived first and investigated the alarm. Tower 45 arrived and staged in the rear of the building. 91 Fire units determined there was no alarm and the actual alarm was at the old Shop Rite building in Clinton Township. Annandale Hose Company was dispatched to investigate and all 45 fire units were ready for service at 11:33 am.

10/30/09 @ 1:40 pm - Fire Box 4621 Level 1 - North Hunterdon High School for the fire alarm. Engine 451 is assigned to assist Annandale Hose Company(46) on this box. Engine 451 arrived with Tower 46 at 1:47 pm, Captain 46 assumed command. Tower and Engine crews investigated and found a faulty detector caused the alarm. All units were ready for service at 1:58 pm.

10/31/09 @ 10:47 am - Fire Box 2548 Level 1 - Hunterdon Developmental Center in Union Township for the suspicious package. Deputy 45 and Engine 451 arrived on scene and pulled a protective line while Human Services and State Police investigated. Police eventually determined the package to be harmless and all units were released at 11:42 am.

11/2/09 @ 7:51 pm - Fire Box 4191 Level 2 - Route 513 in Alexandria Township for an electrical fire outside a dwelling. Tower 45 and Engine451 are assigned to this box to assist Quakertown Fire Company(91). Tower 45 and Engine 451 responded within 3 minutes but were cancelled at 7:58 pm by 91 Fire who investigated and determined the fire was out and they handled the call. All CFD units were back in quarters at 8:07 pm.